Complimentary Design Services

Audio receivers

Solutions for your Vessel

 A solution for all

12-volt, multi-voltage, and WiFi receivers for your vessel.

Audio/video receivers

We offer a variety of audio/video receiver solutions.  All of our receivers have Chromecast and Airplay 2 built-in, allowing you to stream music wirelessly in conjunction with a VSSL receiver or Fusion Apollo 12-volt stereo.  Our receivers are also available in multi-voltage 110/120v or 220/240v 50/60Hz for our international boats.




12-volt receivers

The “car stereo” designed for your boat.  We offer a variety of 12-volt stereo receivers that are True-Marine certified for the harshest marine environments.

multi-zone receivers

Available in six, three, or single-zone configurations, our VSSL multi-zone receivers play music into any speakers on your vessel.  Music is streamed with or without an internet connection.


We would love to hear from you!  Drop us a line, email or check us out on social media.

Vessel audio

25 Thurmond Way, Suite #1922

Bluffton, SC 29910

Contact Us

Toll Free (866) 777-2007


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