Complimentary Design Services

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Welcome to Vessel Audio

First of all, thanks for coming by!  I thought this would be a great place to introduce our company and tell you a little bit about us.  Over the past 18 years, we have worked in the Audio/Video industry designing systems for new homes, retrofits, and yachts.  While working on various yachts, we noticed a huge demand for a A/V products ideal for boats, not homes.  Based out of the Newport, RI area, we saw a lot of boats that needed audio upgrades.  In doing so we often ran into two major hurdles, available space and reliable internet service. 


Space is Vital

If you are building a new home there is most likely plenty of space to install a component rack full of amplifiers, cable boxes, surge protectors, and network gear.  Well, as it turns out, boats don’t have that kind of space.  Every boat I have ever been on, available storage space is gold.  Many boat owners want an Audio/Video system like the one at their homes but to do so you either have to sacrifice available space or do without certain features.  All of our products are extremely space conscience.


Reliable Internet

Just like available space in a new home, high speed internet is a given.  As of 2015, 77% of U.S. homes had a broadband internet service (  Unfortunately until Mr. Musk launches global internet, the only way to get internet service while cruising is unreliable cellular service or expensive (and obtrusive) satellite internet.  All of our products will work with, or without internet service.


How do we do it??

We like to think that we don’t just sell products, we sell solutions.  We design entertainment solutions for a variety of different boat sizes.  Focusing on space conscience and internet-free products, we deliver packages that are unique to your boat and you.

All of our products work on Airplay and/or Chromecast.  Our flagship product, Vssl, wirelessly streams your music to anyroom on that has wired speakers in one compact design.  




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